Saturday, December 24, 2005

The "Any Moment" Challenge

Dear pre-trib believer,

One of your main beliefs is that Christ could come at any moment, and that nothing needs to take place before He comes. Considering the fact that this is one of the main foundations of pre-tribulationalism, shouldn't there be at least one verse that teaches this? Can you find one that doesn't require a great amount of assumption?



PS Click here to see my first post on this blog to view a cheat sheet if you're having trouble.


Anonymous said...

I'm not pre-trib anymore and neither am I completely a Dispensationalist. Your point in this post was one of the problems I had with the old and revised Dispensationalists. I know that the Progressives might not have it all down, but I think their point that God's people have, always will be, His people is correct. Gentiles have been grafted into the promises of the New Covenant made to the houses of Israel and Judah. The New Covenant inaugurated by His death is the exact same one promised in Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel and talked about by Paul in 2 Corinthians.

I look forward to continued reading.

Anonymous said...

Other than the anti-christ taking hold of Israel what is left? teach me please, we are seeing the beginnings of birth pangs right? All I know for sure is NO ONE knows when the rapture or Christ's return to the earth will happen. We MUST ALL be ready. The anti Christ IS HERE and has been here since forever, has he not embodied many along the way? ONLY the FATHER knows the time and the hour. It COULD BE ANYTIME! BE READY if it's now I'm ready. PREACH THE GOOD NEWS OF JESUS! PRAISE GOD! THE LAST DAY OF THE AGE OF BELIEVERS MAY BE CLOSE. If we want to be technical the last day won't come until we are all established in Heaven where there will never be darkness again God's Glory will shine ALL the time. Our blessed hope is that we will not see God's wrath when judgement upon this earth begins. We have the Promise that we are Not subject to God's wrath. We have been purchased by the blood of the lamb we are co-heirs with Christ! Know who you are in JESUS!

Gone Fishin' said...

Dear "Gal 6:9-10,"

I'm not sure if you are asking a specific question. If so, feel free to ask a direct question and I will try to answer it.


Brother D said...

No man knows the day and hour so we have to "watch". Believers are told to watch, unbelievers could care less whats in the bible. This ties in with the parable of the virgins, they didnt know what time the bridegroom was coming so they had to always be ready. He would'nt have told us to "watch" so many times without qualification if what He really meant was "start watching when a bunch of other stuff happens" Thus we believe in imminence...

Gone Fishin' said...

Death and taxes, eh?